At School At War – NEW for Stage 2

New for 2015 is our unique At School At War program suitable for Stages 2 and 3
Step back to school in 1915 when NSW school pupils took an active role in the WW1 war effort: sending comfort packages and messages, fundraising for French and Belgian orphans, knitting, stitching, rolling and folding comfort and essential items.
Based entirely around primary sources from 1915 to 1918 including the first School Magazine, The Public Instruction Gazette, photographs and other images, students will undertake a range of genuine 1915 hands-on activities in an authentic 1915 school setting.
Students will be immersed into World War One on the home front from a child’s perspective. Personal stories of local boys ‘who answered the call’ will be woven throughout the day as will information about the war as was provided to students at the time.
Through analysis and use of sources, students will develop historical skills and concepts, particularly empathetic understanding and cause and effect.
Designed for the Stage 2 History topic: Community and Remembrance, and commemorating the ANZAC centenary, this all day excursion will be available in Term 1 Weeks 7 – 10 and Term 2 Weeks 1, 2 & 3. (Other dates may be offered depending on popularity.)
A maximum of 90 students can be accommodated. Cost $13.00 per student.
Book now to secure your date!