


Dates available are shown with a green ‘Available’ bar. Click on the green bar to see the date available.

‘BOOKED’ means the day has been filled and is not available.

The calendar is best viewed on a tablet or computer. We do not take tentative bookings.

Calendar update 26 July 2024: In Term 3, Thursday 19 September has become available due to a cancellation. The rest of Term 3 is fully booked for multiple classes. There are dates on which we can accommodate single classes or groups of up to 35 students. There are lots of available days in Term 4.

Please email the NSW Schoolhouse Museum to confirm availability of dates. Include:

  • preferred dates 
  • your school
  • grade
  • number of classes
  • number of students
  • postal address and phone number. 

Email is checked almost daily. Our phones are not staffed daily so phone messages are collected irregularly, especially in school holidays. 


Phone: 02 9805 1186

Tips: If the calendar is slow to load use this calendar link. Try loading the calendar in Google Chrome.